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The commitment is a form that will allow you to obtain preferential rates from partner clinics:
Fertilab Barcelona, Quironsalud, Instituto Bernabeu, Institute Of Life
Fill in the form as soon as you know the date of your transfer or insemination, which will trigger the preferential rate but also the reduction of €80* if you are entitled to it.
*Only for the Quironsalud clinic and for a €100 subscription: €80 is deducted from your treatment

This form is used to keep us informed of the outcome of your attempt and/or the birth of a child.
To complete your post-transfer “survey ” click on the link:
If we ask you to send us these forms, it is above all for the sake of transparency and with the aim of centralizing, informing and verifying the results of clinics in Europe, the quality of the services of these clinics both at the human level , health and result.
Indeed, thanks to our members, we verify the results published by the clinics in order to be able to verify their reliability and seriousness.
No information will be disclosed to third parties. The data received will only be reserved for Fertilemag.
Remember that the magazine is not only there to make you benefit from preferential rates with referenced clinics but also to advance the cause of donation, by allowing other people to have access to it with the maximum information. on clinics.
We are counting on your participation and we thank you in advance.
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