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Salon Désir d'enfants: 4 and 5 September in Paris

Désir d'Enfant, an information and education event on fertility and parenthood, will be held on September 4 and 5, 2021 at Espace Champerret - Paris 17.

Free admission, reservation required 


In France, approximately one in eight couples consults because of difficulties in conceiving a child. In three quarters of cases, infertility is of male and/or female origin. If it does not make it possible to remedy the causes of infertility, medically assisted procreation (PMA) makes it possible to circumvent infertility problems by favoring the obtaining of a pregnancy by in vitro manipulation of male and female gametes. In France, in 2015, 3.1% of children were born following a PMA (Inserm, published on 19.09.19).

For the second time in France,Childhood Desireoffers families, couples, singles and same-sex couples who wish to have a child to explore the options available to them in terms of treatment, services and support._cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

In a secure and discreet environment,Childhood Desireis a unique opportunity to discuss with doctors and experts, to discover the treatments and natural solutions available in the world, to listen to world-renowned seminars and to forge links with people who share the same background...


The program for these two days revolves around sixty conferences led by world specialists in fertility (doctors, clinics, therapists, associations). 

They will explain the different approaches to increase fertility. They will explore topics such as polycystic ovary syndrome, endometriosis, male fertility, the latest IVF techniques, nutrition, complementary and natural therapies, adoption and legal issues regarding alternatives to becoming a parent. .


Support associations will also be present to explain how to cope with the pain, worry and loneliness related to fertility problems. 

Finally, visitors can enjoy a moment of calm while cocooning in our wellness area. Everyone can try their hand at yoga and meditation, while developing their knowledge of nutrition, acupuncture, and all other alternative medicine available to help them on their journey. 

This wellness area was created in partnership with Barcelona IVF. 

NOTE - This event is purely informational and non-commercial. Under no circumstances will medical consultations be carried out during the event.


 “This event should have happened a long time ago! Meeting professionals allowed us to provide answers to our questions and above all to meet people in our situation. We feel less alone! » 

“It was two great days. The exhibitors were very available. It's a shame that the health situation has generated so many defections from exhibitors and speakers initially planned (clinics, therapists and health coaches). My wife and I are very satisfied with the information and contacts gathered. »

“This show is a great idea! I finally feel less alone. Thanks to you I met professionals, therapists and found support from associations. Thanks ! » 


Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 September 2021

Champerret Space

6 Rue Jean Oestreicher

75017 Paris

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Solo mom : how I decided to take the plunge


Anne-Claire Mathieu

40 years and dust behind me, no stable relationship since... ? A desire to give birth, always. And time passing. 


There comes a time when we can no longer postpone reflection, or rather decision.

Thinking is essential, but after ? Because there must be an after, reflection cannot be a permanent state, and the only two concrete answers that follow are YES or NO. It is scary. It's radical. It is a decision that involves a life, lives.


Do I really want to be a mom ? Solo ?


Questions are swirling around in my head : do I really want this ? Is it biological, social, family  pressure? Is this selfish ? Will I be able to financially support ? Physically ? Is this reasonable in these chaotic times ? Is it irresponsible, from an ecological, ethical, physiological point of view, and other words in ique ? I choke on my flood of thoughts. Let go. All. Silence my head and try to hear inside my body the little voice whispering. 


This is the first step I had to take ; take the slow time of the  reflection, while the hands of the biological clock turned faster and faster. This seems paradoxical, yet it is the only way to verify his deep motivation. 


It is necessary because the project may at first seem dizzying. He needs to be fed by pure energy, that of the depths of his being, that which will give the strength to go through each of the stages, and particularly the first, the hardest : say to yourself "  I'm going there ” and go there. When you decide to be a single mom, the responsibility is even greater, the commitment even stronger, it can be even more scary.


There is no recipe for hearing his little voice, everyone must find their way. For my part, I took time for myself, usually hyperactive, to rest, meditate, breathe. I did a deep job with psy, énergéticiens ; I worked both body and mind.

So that on arrival, there is only me to hear this little voice. It was for me to decide, for me alone.


But it's not because you choose to become a single mom

that you have to do everything alone !


On the contrary ! What helped me the most was meeting women who had done it.

Reading articles, following forums, it was good, but there is too much distance from the project. I found in my entourage women who had taken the plunge. The first, I found it while talking with my neighbor in the waiting room at my gynecologist's, she was a baker and one of her clients had done it. She immediately gave me her contact, and a few weeks later, here I am on the terrace with Sylvie, 50 years old, and her wonderful little girl conceived in Spain. What a joy to see them live, to ask her lots of questions, concrete, from the number of attempts to the budget allocated, through the techniques and her recommendations, and to see the influence of this woman with a career like mine.

It was truly meeting him, in person, in front of a coffee shop that pushed me to action and gave me the strength to walk through the door of a Spanish clinic.


I learned throughout my course in PMA that it is not because I chose to be a single mother that I have to do everything alone. On the contrary ! I have never dared to ask so much for support, support, very concrete or moral, it has transformed me. For me, this is the second key to success, feeling supported, accompanied by those we have chosen as " partenaires ". There is no papa ? There are other strong alliances to rely on.


Today, my 9-month-old boy benefits from this openness to the world acquired by walking towards him. What happiness !


Anne-Claire Mathieu

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